Non-formally and informally acquired skills have become increasingly important in recent years and now occupy an important place in pedagogical and educational policy discourse. Politicians are also increasingly addressing this issue (cf. e.g. Postulate 21.3235 of the Social Democratic Group).
However, the recognition and visibility of these educational achievements is still unsatisfactory, especially when it comes to integration into the labour market (equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups, re-entry, etc.). There has also been little research into the significance of non-formally and informally acquired skills in the recruitment process and their relationship to formal educational qualifications has not been clarified.
Methodical approach
The project is organized in 4 phases. The project results help to understand how companies recruit and the importance they attach to the non-formally and informally acquired skills of (potential) employees. This in turn helps to shed light on the importance and visibility of skills. Linked to this are references to the Vocational Training Act (BBG), such as the recognition of educational achievements or the importance of job-oriented further training.